Positive Mental Health Network newsletter

The Positive Mental Health Network (PMHN) is an independent, informal group.  It was formed initially by a small number of local community groups that support people with mild to moderate mental health concerns.  The network grew to include statutory partners, charities, organisations and individuals wanting to improve outcomes for people in Wakefield with mental health challenges.  They cover the whole of the district, including the Five Towns and the South East.  Everyone is Welcome.

The purpose of the network is to:

  • Reduce the stigma around mental health
  • Promote the benefits of prevention and self-help
  • Promote the individual organisations that are members of the network by raising awareness of them and the work they do
  • Increase knowledge of local mental health support provision amongst network members, the general public and statutory authorities
  • We share information, good practice, ideas and support each other to ultimately help to improve outcomes for people with mental health challenges
  • Wherever possible work together in supporting individuals, making the best use of scarce resource (money, time and knowledge)


Their members have developed and delivered a number of initiatives, including their newsletter, the annual Postcards from Wakefield project (hosted in May during mental health awareness week, their postcard cart travels around the district, popping up in popular locations such as Trinity Walk), wellbeing packs for those who were lonely or isolated in the district, and representing vulnerable people through the Wakefield Mental Health Alliance and being Covid Community Champions, sharing important information in a timely manner with its members about the pandemic and, more recently, important public health messages.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the network had 60 members.  To replace their face to face network meetings, they developed a newsletter, which proved to be a great way to share information in one place at one time and were so popular their membership ballooned from 60 to 150 individual members.  They now have over 200 members in our network and their newsletters are designed and distributed by Spectrum People CIC every fortnight. Below, you can see copies of the past six months of the PMHN newsletter.

For more information, you can get in touch with the PMHN directly by emailing them at pmhnwakefield@gmail.com. You can also find out more about the covid/public health community champions by emailing them at ccc@wakefield.gov.uk.


Please note, due to current staffing within the PMHN, they have paused the production and release of their newsletter for the time being.


PMHN 4 July (111) (PDF, 3 MB)

PMHN 18 July (112) (PDF, 4 MB)

PMHN 1 August (113) (PDF, 2 MB)

PMHN 15 August (114) (PDF, 2 MB)

PMHN 29 August (115) (PDF, 2 MB)

PMHN 12 September (116) (PDF, 2 MB)

PMHN 26 September (117) (PDF, 3 MB)

PMHN 10 October (118) (PDF, 3 MB)

PMHN 28 November (120) (PDF, 5 MB)

PMHN 12 December (121) (PDF, 3 MB)

PMHN 27 February (122) (PDF, 6 MB)

PMHN 19 March (123) (PDF, 2 MB)