The Wakefield Recovery and Wellbeing College and Wakefield Discovery College have been developed in partnership with South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust staff, volunteers, people with lived experiences of mental and physical ill health and with organisations across the Wakefield district and the surrounding areas. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the people in these partnerships, as without them and their support, the Wakefield Recovery and Wellbeing College and Wakefield Discovery College would not be able to deliver the services that they do, and help people on their own recovery journey.
Admiral nurses
The admiral nurses support families living with the effects of dementia across the Wakefield district. They focus on the needs of the family to better understand dementia and the progression of the condition. Admiral nurses provide support for carers, working in partnership with fellow services and agencies across the locality.

Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer’s Society provide information and support for all types of dementia, running Forget-Me-Not cafes and Singing for the Brain groups across the Wakefield district. They run Dementia Friends sessions, Schools Information Programmes and Information Courses for Carers of people with dementia.

Apple Tree Allotment and Community Garden
Apple Tree Allotment was originally developed by Wakefield Council’s health improvement team as a way to support improve health and wellbeing across the district, with a specific focus on increasing activity and reducing obesity, as well as preventing ill health and reducing inequalities. The allotment is now in the capable hands of Spectrum People and their opening times, events and activities can be found on their Facebook page.

Athelas CIC
Athelas CIC cares about people and nature. They know that people face difficult times in life and that many of us face challenges in either our work or our personal life. Athelas CIC wants to help. By working with nature and the outdoors they believe they can help people feel better about themselves.
Athelas CIC was formed in January 2016 to provide activities in a woodland setting to benefit individuals and their carers in the Yorkshire region who may be currently suffering or at risk of suffering from a mental or emotional health issue.
The community benefits from activities that contribute to the management and upkeep of the natural environment, learning new skills such as bushcraft and heritage crafts , spending time in a therapeutic environment with others in a social manner.

Battle Scars
Battle Scars’ philosophy is to support, educate and bring everybody together. Initially Leeds-based, their community group was formed in 2016 to help to remove the stigma and increase the understanding around self-harm, as well as help people feel supported and no longer alone. With rapid growth, they became a registered charity in England and Wales in 2018 and now run survivor-led groups and workshops in Leeds and Wakefield, offering support and education to those who self-ham, their families, friends and carers and to professionals or anyone else who is trying to understand self-harm and eating disorders.

Be True To You Recovery CIC
Brought to you by Keilly, a holistic recovery life coach for mental health and chronic illness clients, supporting those who are finding life a struggle on their journey to recovery. This support initially began under Be True To You Life Coaching, a private business & has since developed into a Social Enterprise to support the wider community. Be True To You does this through one to one coaching, group sessions & recovery workshops with a team of 12 wellbeing practitioners in various areas of holistic health.
Be True To You Recovery C.I.C is a ‘Warrior’ led practice with 3 of the Directors having a fibromyalgia diagnosis and finding recovery through the recovery approach Keilly provides. Keilly has worked in mental health as a social worker for over eight years both in hospitals and the community and is also a ‘Fibro Warrior’ on her own recovery journey. Fibromyalgia left her bed bound in early 2016 and she further developed depression and anxiety to the point where she explains she nearly lost everything. This was until she took control of her own health and recovery, and four years on she is mostly symptom free, with minimal flare ups. She describes this as “one heck of a journey” but is so grateful she started as she has learnt so much about herself along the way and made many positive lifestyle changes.
Keilly created Be True To You to share her knowledge and experience with others and bring hope that recovery from chronic illness really is possible with the right support network and lots of self love.

Bring Me To Life Women’s Wellness CIC
Women know best when it comes to their health, which is why Bring Me To Life Women’s Wellness CIC are a female-led, not-for-profit organisation, specifically focusing on women’s wellbeing and the challenges presented by the gender gap women face in accessing a good standard of personalised care for their overall health and wellbeing. Bring Me To Life Women’s Wellness CIC seeks to ‘plug’ the gender-gap within local services in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, by making various different methods, therapies and opportunities, centred around wellness, available to all women from all walks of life, in order to support their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Their mission is to support and empower women to take control of their health and wellbeing through preventative interventions to promote positive mental health and self-management. Ultimately, improving women’s wellbeing within local communities. Their vision is for empowered and well-supported women leading the way in managing their own emotional health and wellbeing, educating their families and children in positive mental health to not survive but thrive.

Blossom Self Defence
West Yorkshire based company, Blossom Self Defence, actually originated a number of years ago when Founder, Madeleine France set up a woman’s only self-defence class, after hearing from a number of friends that they had a desire to learn how to defend themselves, but didn’t feel comfortable taking part in a martial arts or combat style class. They offer a safe and inclusive environment for all ages to learn and develop where everyone is welcomed with opened arms. Blossom only teach certified techniques that follow the E.R. Guthrie skill definition, which focus on major motor skills and can be recalled by the limbic brain during fight or flight mode, with their scenario-based training taking the delegate on a journey from non-vocal defensive stances to the use of voice as a deterrent and only as a last resort will physical techniques be introduced.

Carers Wakefield and District
Carers Wakefield & District support unpaid carers across the Wakefield District who give help to a relative, child or friend who is ill, has a disability, an addiction or mental health condition. They can provide a listening ear, information, support, advice and referral to other appropriate services. They run various support groups across the district and provide training for carers and professionals alike.
If you would like to find out more about their organisation or would like to access their support services then please telephone them on 01924 305544 or email Or you can Visit their website and find them on Facebook.

Comets is dedicated to fusing fitness and fun through activities such as running, buggy walks and cycling. The club started as a small group of like-minded individuals who wanted to increase their fitness. They started running and exercising together and decided to form the Comets. They are currently working with the West Yorkshire ‘Mums Team’ initiative to encourage more women to participate in exercise and sport with some choosing to lead these activities. They are also a supporter of the ‘This Girl Can’ campaign. This campaign resonates with all of the group leaders and many group members, summing up their Comets ethos of ‘Any girl can’.
Their team consists of fully qualified leaders (leadership in running fitness, walking for health and level 1 Breeze / British cycle coach leaders) who hold DBS certificates and first aid qualifications. All of their enthusiastic team volunteer to lead Comets activities.

Creative Minds
Creative Minds is all about the use of creative approaches and activities in healthcare; increasing self-esteem, providing a sense of purpose, developing social skills, helping community integration and improving quality of life. They develop community partnerships to not only co-fund but also co-deliver projects for local people.

Cycling UK
Cycling UK want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.
Cycling UK has championed the cause of cycling for almost 140 years. They promote all forms of cycling, protect the interests of existing and would-be cyclists, and inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to discover the joys of cycling.

Dementia Friends
Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friends programme is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perceptions of dementia. It aims to transform the way the nation thinks, acts and talks about the condition. Dementia Friends is about learning more about dementia and the small ways you can help, from telling friends about the Dementia Friends programme to visiting someone you know living with dementia, every action counts.

Denhale Active Recreation Centre (ARC)
Denhale provides an inclusive sporting facility in the heart of Wakefield. The centre contains a sports hall, small gym room (pilates/dance/Zumba), large meeting room and a comfortable seating area with refreshments. With full disability access, onsite parking and changing facilities, the centre has everything you require.

Disability Sport Yorkshire
Disability Sport Yorkshire has committed to three major impacts by 2020. They aim to make Yorkshire the best place in England for disabled people to:
- improve their health through physical activity
- play sport on a regular basis
- become a sporting champion
They are working to give disabled people the best possible sporting experience they can have, no matter where they live in the region and ensure there is no better place in the England for disabled people to play and/or succeed in sport. They aim to be the organisation that everyone in Yorkshire looks to for advice and guidance on disability sport.

The Eastmoor Community Project; St. Swithun’s Community Centre
The Eastmoor Community Project is based at St Swithuns Community Centre; a busy and welcoming building based in the heart of Eastmoor estate. They run a variety of activities, social groups, workshops and community events throughout the year. Their aim is to respond to their community, to provide suitable resources and support people to thrive and achieve.
They run a wellbeing project called ‘building blocks to resilience’ which focuses on health and wellbeing support, enabling their local community to develop coping strategies and support networks to help them maintain good health. They also operate a community café, providing home cooked and healthy food options. Their facilities are available to hire, with a variety of meeting rooms, including a conference suite and activity hall. Everyone walking through their doors can expect a friendly welcome and support to access their services.

GASPED (Greater Awareness and Support for People Encountering Drugs) is a unique service, that delivers a range of support for people affected by their loved ones drug and alcohol misuse.
GASPED provide practical and outcome-focused emotional help, information and support to parents, partners, grandparents, families and carers of people who misuse legal or illegal drugs, prescription drugs and alcohol.
GASPED services include; person-centered counselling and one-to-one support to give families the coping skills required to help themselves and support their loved ones better, community-based support groups, a 24 hour helpline, crisis intervention, drop in service throughout the Wakefield area for support and advice, hypnotherapy and complimentary therapies, training workshops in the form of relaxation techniques, awareness of co-dependency, and importance of boundary setting.
GASPED also partner with Andy’s Man Club, which meet every Monday evening at 7:00pm at the GASPED offices. Andy’s Man Club is a safe place for men to talk about worries and anxieties that concern them, without being judged. The biggest killer of men aged between ages 19 and 50 in Yorkshire is suicide; GASPED in partnership with Andy’s Man Club are working to reduce those figures.

Grow Wakefield
Grow Wakefield, previously known as Incredible Edible Wakefield, started off in 2010 as a small community group in Horbury but has since grown into a district wide volunteer led social enterprise. They create Edible Community Gardens, Mini Allotment Plots and Communal Growing Spaces as well as running Edible Gardening Clubs and Help Us Grow sessions, helping people all over the district to have a go at growing their own food for the first time or to share their food growing knowledge.
They also work with schools, helping teachers to use food growing as an effective medium for developing life skills and confidence amongst pupils, as well as sharing the many health benefits that growing your own food brings.
With the rising cost of fuel and food, Grow Wakefield is ultimately about local resilience, not only helping remove the barriers that prevent people growing their own food but also supporting the district’s food growers and businesses in their Local Food Directory and using their Wild Food Map to make more use of all the free food already growing in and around Wakefield .

Help for Heroes champions the Armed Forces community and helps them live well after service. Support is available to veterans, families, people who worked alongside the UK military, and serving personnel. This includes:
- Their Veterans’ Clinical Service team, made up of nurses and occupational therapists who support veterans, with a range of physical health challenges and complex injuries, to navigate the NHS and other healthcare pathways.
- Their Hidden Wounds Service, consisting of trained clinicians who provide one-to-one assessments, treatments, psychological support and education to veterans, family members and loved ones.
- Their Case Management team, working in partnership with veterans and family members to put together an action plan, co-ordinate their support provision, and monitor its progress. The team offers support with a range of issues such as money, health, housing, and benefits.
- Their Sport, Activity and Fellowship team, providing both virtual and face-to-face sporting, leisure and social activities across the UK and virtual interaction for veterans and families.
- Their Recovery College, offering free courses and self-help guides, co-produced with veterans and family members, designed to help people gain skills, knowledge, and the confidence to make positive and lasting lifestyle changes.
- Their Grants team, helping veterans and families in need of financial support to aid their recovery.

Live Well Wakefield
The Live Well Wakefield Service understand that there are many things that can affect our ability to feel healthy and remain independent. They appreciate this and can offer individual support to help address these needs. Live Well Wakefield can do this by offering individual, personalised support either in your own home or in the community and they can help you navigate services such as health and social care, or tell you about community groups and activities in your own area. They can also offer you courses and workshops to help you self-manage your long term condition.

Managing Dyslexia
Managing Dyslexia is a community group run in local libraries for adults with dyslexia. Learners are helped to develop their English skills, but also to look at coping strategies and peer support to help with deal with their disability in everyday life. The groups meet every week, deliver dyslexia awareness sessions to the public, fundraise to keep the groups running and have a lot of fun!

Mental Health UK
At Mental Health UK, we challenge the causes of poor mental health and provide people with the tools they need to live their best possible life at home, school and work. Your Resilience is a free UK-wide programme that supports young people’s mental health resilience. It is focused on building resilience through life’s transitions in 14–18 year olds, equipping them with the tools and resources to manage their mental health now and in the future.

Leeds Mind
Leeds Mind is an independent charity affiliated with National Mind and the Mind federation. Leeds Mind was founded in 1972, we have evolved and grown significantly since then. There are more than 120 Local Mind associations across England and Wales. Leeds Mind is proud to be delivering vital services locally, to anyone in Leeds and surrounds that has a mental health difficulty.

Mindful Movers
Mindful Movers are a free run, walk and talk group based in Thornes Park, Wakefield – offering a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for anyone wanting the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. The group is friendly and welcoming with fully qualified leaders on all activities, covering a variety of running and walking distances based on the ability of the group; no-one is ever left behind.
The group meets on Friday mornings 10-11am inside Thornes Park stadium (where there are lockers, toilet and drink facilities). Thornes Park stadium has a large free car park and is also on major bus routes.

Northern College
Northern College is a provider of adult education services. The College’s main mission is to provide outstanding adult residential and community education for the empowerment and transformation of individuals and communities. Northern College can provide fully funded courses at their residential college.
They specialise in bringing people back into education, equipping them with the confidence, study and life skills necessary to get the best from their programme of learning. Many people attending college are unemployed, in recovery from drug and alcohol addictions or mental health issues, ex-offenders or from areas of high socio-economic disadvantage. The college has a strong history of working with community groups and helping to develop the skills of their staff, including volunteers. Northern College’s role within recovery colleges is to facilitate groups of students attending community learning courses.

Open Country
Open Country is a Harrogate-based charity that seeks to enable anyone with any disability to access the countryside. They achieve this through a variety of countryside activities and the provision of training, advice and information.
After nearly 25 years working in North Yorkshire, they launched a new outreach project, Wild about Wakefield, in September 2017. The project offers day services with a difference: a weekly walking group, weekly nature-based activities, a seasonal tandem cycling club and weekend outings. They work with adults with learning and physical disabilities as well as those with mental health conditions. Based from Thornes Park and with the provision of a minibus, volunteers and equipment, they aim to engage over 90 new members with the outdoor world, enabling them to access the countryside in exciting new ways.

The Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications (ORCHA), is the trusted source for health app advice. By increasing access to health apps, building awareness of their benefits, and facilitating trust amidst the complex data privacy landscape, ORCHA empowers people and professionals to embrace digital health.
With over 327,000 health apps currently available, ORCHA’s stringent app review process breaks through the noise of unregulated and untrustworthy apps. Members of the public can use ORCHA’s ‘app finder’ to discover the best health apps for their own, personal needs, with all apps scored by ORCHA according to their data and security, clinical assurance and user experience.
As the world’s leading health app evaluation and advisor organisation, ORCHA is constantly striving to fulfil its mission to make digital healthcare accessible to everyone. Through increased clarity and trust, ORCHA believes this can be achieved.

Positive Mental Health Network
The Positive Mental Health Network is an independent, informal group. It was formed initially by a small number of local community groups that support people with mild to moderate mental health concerns. The network grew to include statutory partners, charities, organisations and individuals wanting to improve outcomes for people in Wakefield with mental health challenges. They cover the whole of the district, including the Five Towns and the South East. Everyone is welcome.
The purpose of the network is to:
- Reduce the stigma around mental health
- Promote the benefits of prevention and self-help
- Promote the individual organisations that are members of the network by raising awareness of them and the work they do
- Increase knowledge of local mental health support provision amongst network members, the general public and statutory authorities
- We share information, good practice, ideas and support each other to ultimately help to improve outcomes for people with mental health challenges
- Wherever possible work together in supporting individuals, making the best use of scarce resource (money, time and knowledge)
Find out more about the network by reading their regular newsletters, or visit their Facebook page.

Spectrum People
Spectrum People is a Wakefield based charity which develops and provides meaningful activities to help people of any age within the district overcome barriers in their lives. Their activities are always delivered in partnership with other local charities and organisations. The common issue for beneficiaries usually involves a mental health issue, often combined with physical health and other difficulties; volunteers and staff develop, run and support activities to help them. Amongst other things, Spectrum People manage Appletree in Agbrigg, a large community garden, used to support physical and mental wellbeing and they also offer arts based activities such as art therapy. Social prescribing is also a priority, signposting individuals seeking help and support, using either their own offers or those provided by partners. Finally they are one of 3 charities – the others are Gasped and Touchstone – providing Safe Space, Wakefield, which runs 6pm-midnight every evening, offering support for people facing mental health challenges.
Visit the Spectrum People website here or Visit the Spectrum People Facebook page here to find out about their most recent events and activities

Spirit In Mind
Spirit In Mind (SIM) is a mental health charity linked to the NHS via the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. SIM works closely with faith based organisations to raise awareness of mental health concerns and to support initiatives which respond to mental health needs of local people and local communities.
SIM is a faith based initiative which draws on strong community based values and holistic approaches to care and recovery.

Find work. Build your career. Learn new skills.
At STEP UP, they offer free, 1:1 support to all Wakefield residents (whether they’re employed, unemployed or facing redundancy) with things such as one to one job searching, digital upskilling, coaching and tailored support, help with employment or even promotion, career progression, and more. They support anyone, regardless of barriers they’re facing, and can support with things like travel costs, course costs, training and development costs (completely dependent on the individual’s circumstances.). They cover the whole of the District, during the pandemic have offered a full telephone service and they’ve supported well over 150 customers in to work since the first lockdown in 2020.

St. Giles’ Centre
St Giles’ Centre is part of a major renovation project at St Giles’ Parish Church, Pontefract and is ideally situated in the centre of this bustling market town, only minutes from the M62 and the A1. Easily accessible, yet reassuringly tranquil, St Giles’ Centre offers modern facilities in 18th century surroundings. Their aim is to make a real contribution to local community needs and to assist in the regeneration of the town by attracting more visitors and supporting local heritage education. The Town Centre Masterplan considers St Giles’ to be “one of the jewels in Pontefract’s historical offer, with an important role in supporting the local community”.

Stride Theatre
Stride Theatre offers a variety of theatre-based workshops and projects that are accessible and affordable for all. They run weekly sessions for adults and children, school-based workshops, as well as running a variety of community-based projects and performances across the Wakefield District. Their work is person-centred and aims to develop self-confidence and communication.

Stroke Association
The Stroke Association is there to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. They believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. They provide specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.
The Wakefield Stroke Recovery Service will work with you to identify your personal support needs and priorities. A coordinator will contact you to organise a phone call and/or home visit to find out how you’re managing with daily activities, and any additional support you may require. Their service can offer you opportunities to rebuild confidence and independence, and help you to rebuild your life after stroke. This service offers coordinated support throughout your stroke journey, home visits and/or regular telephone calls, emotional support, tailored information, assistance with accessing community-based support, support for carers and family members, as well as signposting to other relevant organisations.

Talkthru offers a non-judgemental, emotional care and counselling service for anyone facing pregnancy choices, the loss of a pregnancy or baby, pregnancy and birth-related trauma and many other pregnancy-related issues. They also provide counselling for unplanned pregnancy. Their counsellors provide loss counselling to those who have lost a baby due to miscarriage, death or stillbirth, termination (including termination for foetal abnormalities) and through removal into care. Their registered charity has a committed team of volunteers who deliver hundreds of counselling sessions each year. All of their counsellors are specialists in this field and are registered with an appropriate counselling membership body. Between them, they have years of experience providing counselling for all types of pregnancy and baby loss.

TCD Charity
At TCD Charity, their mission is to inspire hope and empower individuals navigating mental health challenges. They provide compassionate support through a range of services, including peer support group sessions, interactive workshops, and access to vital resources.
As part of their commitment to holistic recovery, they are proud to offer the TCD Fitness and Wellbeing Chat Module. This engaging program focuses on the connection between physical activity and mental health, offering practical advice, peer discussions, and resources to help participants build a sustainable and fulfilling wellbeing routine.
As advocates for recovery, TCD believe in the power of collaboration and community. Their dedicated team works alongside individuals to build resilience, foster personal growth, and create pathways to a brighter future.
Together, challenges can be turned into opportunities and journeys into triumphs.

The Sleep Charity
The Sleep Charity provides advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better. It campaigns to improve sleep support and access to high quality information, raise awareness of the value of a good night’s sleep, provide accreditated training and promote understanding around the complexities of sleep.

Think Cre8tive Group CIC
Think Cre8tive Group CIC actively promotes and develops the use of creativity in local communities within England. They work with individuals, families, groups and other organisations in a common effort to advance education, recreation, research, provide facilities in the interests of social welfare, and widen opportunity for social cohesion – with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the local community.
They passionately believe that the arts, and in particular learning music, is of great benefit and importance to our mental health and wellbeing and should be able to be accessed pre-birth and throughout our lives. They work in local communities delivering a variety of projects and training to enable everyone to have access. Think Cre8tive Group CIC is a consortium of music educators and clinical experts specialising in expressive musical skills through an intervention approach to mental health and wellbeing through music.

Wakefield Advocacy Together Hub provides range of statutory services, for adults, across the Wakefield District, including:
- Independent mental health advocacy (this may help if you are detained in hospital, or under a Community Treatment Order, because of mental health illness)
- Independent mental capacity advocacy (for people who are not able to explain what they want to happen when serious decisions need to be made on their behalf)
- Care act advocacy (to assist when going through a care and support assessment, a care and support planning process, a care and support review or a safeguard process)
- Paid relevant persons representative (for residents in a care home that have been authorised to remain there for their own safety by the local authority (Deprivation of liberty safeguard).
Together offer a free and confidential service and can provide support through helping you understand your rights, listening to your views and wishes, helping you to make your own choices, strengthening your voice and getting it heard, and help to consider options to find the best solution for you.

Turning Point Talking Therapies
Feeling anxious, low or stressed? Turning Point Talking Therapies can help.
If you are aged 16 years or older and are registered with a GP surgery in the Wakefield District, you can access the following treatment options (subject to a screening assessment):
- Low Intensity CBT Therapy such as online CBT modules or guided self-help.
- High Intensity Therapies (such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy ( IPT), Counselling for Depression (CFD), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Group Therapy and Workshops).
Therapy can be delivered face to face, or via telephone/video, just let them know your preference. For more information, or to self-refer please visit their website.

Uniting WF Mental Health and Wellbeing
Uniting WF mental health and wellbeing is a group where people, in and around the WF post code area, can ask to post/share information and advertisements for local groups, events, and activities that help to better support mental health and wellbeing. There is no selling or business adverts unless they fit within the group ethos and strict advertising rules. The aim of Uniting WF is to bring people together, so if you are a fitness club; support group; a dog walking club; or any social or charitable organisation, let them know and they will do their best to promote it for you in this shared group space.
Visit their Facebook page or contact the team directly by email.

Vibe Fitness
Vibe Fitness is a community fitness centre based in Normanton, Wakefield.
They run a variety of sessions for both adults and children, such as boogie bounce (trampoline fitness), Zumba fitness, Zumba step, strong by Zumba, PiYo (pilates and yoga), BADASS combat, bounce dancefit, kettlebells, pump barbell workout, pound, BodyBand resistance band training, street dance, cheer and more.
Their aim is to make fitness classes accessible to all abilities of fitness levels. And most of all…to make it FUN!!

Wakefield Council events and functions service
Wakefield Council events and functions service offers a variety of unique and prestigious venues across the Wakefield District, including Wakefield, Ossett and Pontefract Town Halls, Castleford Civic Centre and Agbrigg and Belle Vue Community Centre. Whether you are looking to host concert for 500 people or need a small meeting room for a one to one, they have something for you.
The service provide catering, bar facilities, AV equipment and full event coordination.

Wakefield libraries
Wakefield libraries offer a network of welcoming library branches and mobile libraries in communities across the Wakefield District. It is free to join the library at any age and they offer free books, audiobooks, e-books and magazines to borrow, as well as free computers and internet access in their branches. All libraries have free Wi-Fi and space to study and relax, some have coffee machines and cafes on site. A huge range of events for all age groups from story times to job clubs are on offer on a weekly basis across the district, the vast majority of which are also free.

West Yorkshire Archive Service
West Yorkshire Archive Service (WYAS) are the county archive service for West Yorkshire. They have five offices in Wakefield, Leeds, Bradford, Kirklees and Calderdale. They are part of West Yorkshire Joint Services who are jointly funded by the five borough councils in West Yorkshire. They aim to collect and permanently preserve the unique documentary history of our region and hold records dating from the twelfth century through to present day – that is over 800 years of history! All of their offices can help you to discover your family history, learn about your local area and care for your history and collections.

Yorkshire Blankets
Yorkshire Blankets’ beautiful eco friendly wool blankets are all made in Yorkshire, from surplus yarn at the end of each week. These yarns previously went to landfill. Each blanket is individually hand cut and finished by Yorkshire Blankets, with their blankets constantly changing colour depending on the yarns used in the mill that week. Each roll of blanket is unique and never repeated. They hand-make home wear, accessories and clothing from these yarns in the heart of Yorkshire and are a small family business from Barnsley who make everything with lots and lots of love.

Yorkshire Smokefree – Wakefield
Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable illness in the UK including Wakefield; smoking rates in our area still remain higher than national average. At Yorkshire Smokefree Wakefield, they provide free confidential advice and support to help the people of Wakefield who would like to stop smoking. They have a range of clinics at different venues and times throughout the district which are run by their friendly specialist advisors. They also have specialist advisors within pregnancy and hospital care. If you or anyone you know would like to stop smoking or just have a chat, then please contact the team on 01924 252174 or 0800 612 0011 (from a landline).