“I’m booking a place as a professional, why do I have to have an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) appointment? I would normally just book and attend without anything else to do.”

We’ve been getting asked questions like this more and more lately, so thought we’d take some time answer these and talk about how important these brief 15-minute telephone appointment ILPs are and why they’re a must.
No matter in what capacity you are attending the Recovery College in (as a service user, professional, carer, friend/family member, or a member of the public who’s just interested in coming along) or how you are coming to the college (face to face or online), absolutely everyone who attends anything with the college is offered the same service, following the same processes so that we can ensure we have all the information we need to know about you to make the sessions as safe and comfortable as we can for you, your fellow attendees and your facilitators.
Whenever you fill out one of our enrolment forms, your places on the courses/workshops you’ve expressed an interest in is only reserved until you have completed your ILP appointment. After this, we will book you a space on the things you’re interested in joining and confirm this with you. If you can’t attend your ILP appointment we send you, it’s not a problem at all as long as you let us know so that we can reschedule this to a time that suits you better. If you fail to turn up to an ILP appointment without letting us know, we will try you once more within 10 minutes just in case you weren’t able to get to the phone in time. After this, if we still can’t reach you, we will send you a message to let you know we’ve tried to get in touch and ask you to get back to the college within a week if you are still interested in attending the sessions you’ve expressed an interest in attending on your enrolment form. If we still don’t hear from you, we will remove your reserved places on any courses/workshops and will archive your enrolment. You will not be sent any joining links for online courses/workshops and would not be allowed entry to any face-to-face bookings if you have not completed your ILP appointment due to room capacity limitations and for the safety of all involved online or face to face (including yourself).
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