A time to say thanks – Volunteers’ Week 2022

Whilst we still can’t get together for a big event like a tea party, a picnic or an awards ceremony like we have done in previous years, this Volunteers Week, the team wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of our volunteers with some personal messages. Hopefully next year we can all get together and celebrate our wonderful volunteers properly…
I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our dedicated volunteers, past and present. Without you giving up your valuable time, skills and knowledge, the college would not be able to offer the choices of courses to our students out there in the community. By volunteering with us, you have made such a difference to people’s lives by sharing your life experiences, support and encouragement, showing patience and understanding. It is great working with you all. Thank you again, Janette
What could I possibly say that would begin to cover the appreciation I have for each and every one of our volunteers. Whether you volunteer every week, regularly, or a few hours every year, every single contribution is valued and necessary to ensure our College is co-produced and that we can support and provide information to members of the public in need. Whilst we might be a small staff team, you make up the huge majority of our actual team and we are forever grateful. Thank you so much for all of your support! Lindsey
Having started in the Trust as a volunteer myself, I know the hard work, commitment and dedication that goes in to volunteering for the service you choose to volunteer for. I chose the Recovery College as my volunteering start point as I believed (and still do believe) in what they do, the messages of hope and the sharing of lived experiences to help others going through something similar or the same. So thank you, sincerely, for all that you give professionally and personally to volunteer to help others and make this College work the way it does. Gail
Being new to the College, you might think I wouldn’t have had that much opportunity to meet many of our volunteers yet. It’s been quite the opposite! I’ve had the absolute pleasure to meet so many of you already and can’t wait to meet everyone as time goes on. I have to give a special shout out to the volunteers who’ve been working particularly closely with me to help set up our Discovery College offer. Without you, the Discovery College wouldn’t be able to begin and so, on behalf of not only the team, but also all of our 16-25 year old local people who will soon be accessing the Discovery College…THANK YOU! Rachel
To our volunteers, we are ever so grateful for the time and effort you put in to helping us and the community we have made with your help. Without you and your help we wouldn’t be where we are now. Your dedication to help others is absolutely amazing. We appreciate and value each and every one of you. Thank you to our Volunteers, who make our team. “Team work makes the dream work”. Kia
Whilst we wouldn’t usually single people out, we wanted to take the time this year (in the absence of another awards ceremony) to give a special thanks to a few of our volunteers who have gone above and beyond the usual call of duty:
Abby, Abbie, Becca, Ollie and Molly – The number of hours you have given to the development of the Discovery College has been amazing. You are an inspiration to other young people and we can’t wait to see everything you’ve been co-producing!
Ryder and Halima – your writing courses have been some of our most highly reviewed this year, inspiring people, giving people confidence, creating a social and supportive atmosphere (online as well – not an easy task!) and giving a considerable amount of your time to volunteer.
Louise and Becca – Your total commitment to co-producing and co-facilitating as many new topics as possible to support people who are going through something difficult, using your own experiences to influence the course material, is inspiring.
Kevin, Andrea, Andrew, Cate and Emma – Your willingness to take on co-facilitating courses over the past year or so, keeping things going whilst we have all been trying to juggle various fast-paced changes to keep everyone safe, has been absolutely brilliant!
You’re all amazing and if we had Trust volunteer service awards this year, we would definitely be putting some of you forward for one!
We also want to introduce our newest members of the team and refresh your memories on what the old crew look like (as you’ve not been able to see us in the flesh for so long!) 😊 In the photo (left to right) we have:
Emily – One of our Recovery College Coordinators, due to start with the team in September.
Rachel – One of our Recovery College Coordinators who has been tasked with establishing the Discovery College offer for young people in the Wakefield district.
Lindsey – Down at the front in the photo, our Recovery College Principal, who steers the ship – with a lot of help from the rest of the team!
Gail – Our Recovery Coach, who teaches courses, carries out ILPs with new students and helps train our facilitators and volunteers.
Janette – Our Team Secretary and Administrative Supervisor (and beating heart of the College!).
Kia – Our Digital Manager, who looks after all of our social media, website, newsletter and also does ILPs with new students.
Joining this motley crew soon will also be another member of admin staff and two peer support workers, but we’ll introduce you to them when they start later this year. We can’t wait!
We can’t wait to see all of our volunteers in the flesh again, and with restrictions slowly easing in the NHS, we hope to be able to have all volunteers together in one room sometime this year to say thanks properly. But for now, thank you again for everything you do and everything you are!
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