Living in uncertain times – Turning Point Talking Therapies

Turning Point Talking Therapies workshops
In an ever-changing world filled with global and personal challenges, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and fearful.
Join us for this workshop as we delve into how, what can feel like a constant cycle of negative news such as climate control, the pandemic and the financial crisis, can have a negative impact on our mental wellbeing due to the high level of uncertainty, which can cause stress and anxiety as well as leaving us feeling powerless and out of control.
Discover coping strategies to process these emotions and learn skills to help manage these
Delivered by Turning Point Talking Therapies. Please book directly with them to attend.
How do I enrol?
You are not referred to the Recovery College, you can simply enrol yourself, or on behalf of someone, for any of our courses that may be of interest to you. Our courses are open to all adults and we welcome carers, supporters and professionals too.
Student resources
Read our documents and policies for students after enrolling on a course.