Dementia – Positive Steps (Face to Face) (16+)

West Yorkshire History Centre, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG

Face to Face Recovery College Courses

This is a 5-week course, each week can be attended individually or join us for the full course. Each week covers an aspect of dementia or supporting someone living with dementia to help you feel informed, empowered, and prepared to manage your future with dementia. You may wish to attend as a family carer, a person living with dementia or because you have an interest in dementia and dementia care.

  • Introduction to Dementia: Provides a general overview of what dementia is, the different types of dementia and the common symptoms.
  • Coping with Symptoms of Dementia: A more in depth look at symptoms of dementia and how we can make these easier to cope with.
  • Practical care in Dementia: Looks at supporting people living with dementia with day to days tasks such as washing and dressing and what aids and adaptations might help us do this.
  • Finances and Support for Dementia: An introduction to the types of support available for people living with dementia and their carers, including financial help, local support and care services.
  • Planning for the Future with Dementia: Thinks about advance care planning and emergency care planning both for people living with dementia and their carers.

At West Yorkshire History Centre

Start dates and time

Thursday5 June 20251pm-3.30pm5 weeks


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How do I enrol?

You are not referred to the Recovery College, you can simply enrol yourself, or on behalf of someone, for any of our courses that may be of interest to you. Our courses are open to all adults and we welcome carers, supporters and professionals too.

More about enrolment

Student resources

Read our documents and policies for students after enrolling on a course.

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