A week in the life of…Lauren, a student mum


January 12, 2024

Hi, my name’s Lauren. I am a mature student doing my undergraduate degree at university as well as being a mum of 2 children. When I was at high school I struggled with anxiety and depression to the point where I could not leave the house and was home schooled for most of my last years of school. I attended talking therapy and did many little various courses, much like what the Recovery College offer, to work on my anxiety and help me get back to being within society. I always wanted to help people with their own mental health needs, but this was put on hold because of my own problems.

After working many years on myself, and having children, I knew it was time to work on my own career, so I went back to school. It was very daunting, but I got the A levels I needed to get me into university, and I am now in my final year! The typical week for me now is very rushed! But I love it! I attend 3 days at university which is pretty intense as I am in my final year but alongside this, I am doing my work placement 2 days a week with Wakefield Recovery College. This organisation has opened my eyes to how much they help the community around them and what brilliant courses are available to help many different people, with many different abilities. Enough so that I am now carrying on volunteering with them after my student placement finishes!

In between university and work I care for my 2 children so whatever time I have at home with them we spend going on walks, watching films and doing arts and crafts. My youngest is obsessed with pottery painting now. My house is full off many little figures coloured in every colour imaginable! This also means a few evenings are spent doing university reading too, but when it’s something you’re interested, which I am, it isn’t so bad.

Being a mum and studying is hard work though! It has taken me a lot of courage and organising to get myself to where I am today. I really believe that things happen at the right time and if I had pushed myself after finishing high school to go to college and university I would not have succeeded, and my mental health would have been worse. Helping myself at the time and taking things at my own pace was good and I now realise that I did not need to follow what society tells us is the correct timeline to achieve things.

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