A week in the life of…Katie (transitioning from being a volunteer to joining the team!)

Hello, my name is Katie ! I am a new peer support worker with the recovery college, before starting this role I’d volunteered for the College for over a year ! Here is a little insight into my first week in my new role transitioning from volunteer to a part of the team.
So far, I have had meetings with a few of the lovely team members, they have been introducing me to all the new systems I will be using. It has been so interesting visiting all the different sites I will be working out of and talking to members of the team I have not met before. Most important lesson so far is to always travel with lots of snacks and coffee after my having my tummy rumbling all of my first day!
I have also been able to work from home with the recovery college as lots work takes place online, it is a great opportunity to work on my organisation skills, this first week has been focused on training and learning new systems so there is always something to do.
I work Monday, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s part time, I have felt so fortunate working with the amazing team at the recovery college team and it has made starting this new role so much easier already knowing the wonderful team. Every morning, we have catch up call, have a chat, and laugh, it’s such a great way to start the day and puts a smile on your face ready to tackle the to do list!
After our meeting I keep on top with checking any emails I have received and then head out to induction meetings. Emails can be about courses I am involved with, induction information, meeting arrangements and lots of IT tickets from all the help I have had to ask them for!
I will be working with volunteers and professionals to co-produce and co-facilitate courses which I have done as a volunteer over the past year, and soon I will learn how to conduct ILPs, also known as individual learning plans. Which will involve an initial phone call with students who are enrolling to understand their support and learning needs to help ensure students feel as comfortable and safe when beginning a course with us!
I will be co-facilitating my first course as an official part of the team just next week, which I am looking forward to and have started work planning upcoming courses, very exciting!
The teams group chat is a constant source of advice and support, and I cannot thank the Recovery College Team enough for all the help they’ve given me so far and for the warmest welcome!
Thank you for reading my little summary of a week in the life of a new peer support worker!
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